that fucking sexyback song
I know that I’ve weighed in a couple of times about that fucking SexyBack song, but apparently the listening public agrees – the song is neither hot nor sexy. It’s been out for what, 5 or 6 weeks – and it has yet to even cracked the top 50 on the Billboard singles chart. Blown! Chuck Taylor of Billboard even went as far as to call the song ‘atrocious’.

Justin Timberlake claims he wants to push pop boundaries with upcoming second solo album "FutureSex/LoveSounds," but launch single "SexyBack" is more likely to jolt nerve endings. Yeah, we get it: Release an event single you know radio will embrace before getting to the meat of the matter, but really. This meandering melody-free jam is atrocious. Timberlake is unidentifiable with his grossly distorted vocal as Timbaland whoops and hollers alongside, in what is essentially a four-minute loop. Timberlake has a lot to offer—as a potential savior of solo male pop—but here he appears to tease, if not to ridicule, radio's lust/need for him. Impact: 10. Respect: less than zero. Tacky return, dude.

Hilarious! Oh, and just as a really quick reminder – Cameron Diaz is a hideous and disgusting pig from hell. Hugs and Kisses!
Cameron Diaz should really know by now that it is never a good idea to leave the house without makeup on.
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