poor katharine...

McPhee went on with the show, singing two songs while wearing slippers. X-rays taken at a hospital afterward revealed a hairline fracture in her left foot, the Post says. In spite of the injury, McPhee will stay on the "Idols Live" tour. "She's in discomfort, but she's fine," said Roger Widynowski, a rep for McPhee's record label, RCA. "She will continue on the tour and is not defaulting."

In related news, do you remember during the American Idol finale when Katharine had to perform that hideous duet with Meat Loaf? At the time, I seriously thought that he was having a stroke on stage. I mean, it was a fucking nightmare. Here, See this tragedy unfold for yourself –
So obviously Katharine was dying of embarrassment during that entire performance. Check out this video from People where Katharine talks about her experience with Meat Loaf, and even does an impression. She says that she seriously thought that whole thing was a joke - that Ashton Kutcher was going to jump out like on Punk’d.
She's kind of bitchy, isn't she?
That is so uncool of her to blow him up. Does she have ZERO media savy?
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