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While Swank says that Lowe's problems did not directly cause their divorce, she tells Bennetts, "Would I say that his substance-abuse problem helped us? Absolutely not." Swank admits that if she had to attribute the breakup of her marriage to one particular thing, "I would say we grew apart.… But there's never one thing. It's an accumulation of things that make it slowly start to drift apart."
"I knew something was happening, but I didn't know what," she says, referring to Lowe's struggle. "When I found out, it was such a shock, because I never thought he'd keep something from me. And yet, on another level, it was a confirmation of something I was feeling that was keeping us from being completely solid."
When Bennetts asks if she really didn't know about Lowe's issues, Swank explains, "I didn't know the extent of his substance-abuse problem. It's a big surprise when you think you have an open dialogue. It hurt, mostly because he didn't think I'd understand that he was going through something so painful in his own life and he didn't let me in."

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