Remember howKristen Davis(Charlotte fromSex and the City) was on Melrose Place for a while – and how her character, Brooke Armstrong (who was married to Billy) was always acting like a bratty cuntbag?Yeah – so maybe you remember the episode when Brooke died?Classic 90s television!Enjoy…
Poor Brooke!But now that we’re discussingMelrose Place, which by the way – you can Tivo each day at 3:00 onSoap Net… why don’t we talk aboutMarcia Cross’s character, Kimberly Shaw.Holy Fuck – talk about amazing television.Remember when she blew up the apartment complex, or when she came back from the dead?How about when she pulled off her wig in the bathroom and had that hideous scar?Loves it – enjoy!
Yeah, I started watching 90210 when I was on vacation last week (also on Soap Net)... I miss looking forward to the Thursday night 90210 / Melrose Place double header! They just don't make 'em like that anymore. And yes, Andrew Shue was a cutie!
Yeah, I started watching 90210 when I was on vacation last week (also on Soap Net)... I miss looking forward to the Thursday night 90210 / Melrose Place double header! They just don't make 'em like that anymore. And yes, Andrew Shue was a cutie!
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