nicole kidman is a hot mess
Ok, can we discuss how SCARY Nicole Kidman looks in this picture that was snapped today? Don’t get me wrong – ordinarily I adore Nicole. She’s gorgeous, stylish yada yada yada. But seriously, what the fuck is this all about? The face is a mess, the eyebrows are a mess, and don’t even get me started on the hair. In summary, she looks like a hot mess! I strongly encourage everyone to take a look at the collage of pretty pictures that I put together, and try to erase this heinocity (heinous atrocity) from your minds.
Oh, and how disappointing is her upcoming marriage!?! I had had such high hopes for Nicole after she got rid of Zartoo Third Overlord of Blargon Seven... she and Lenny Kravitz would have made such beautiful babies...
I mean, could the choice be any more obvious? I don't know - maybe it's just me, but Lenny Kravitz is sex on a stick... and Keith Urban is, well... sex in a trailer park. Heinous!
that's hot. whatever happened to baby dawn? yeeeaaah...
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