trouble brewing in gay paradise?
Man, you can't look anywhere these days without seeing Matthew McConaughey either wet and bare-chested, acting a fool on a beach somewhere, or hanging all over Lance Armstrong. Throw my boy, Jake into the mix, and it seems that we have a little bit of a mess on our hands. After all of the rampant speculation about these three, it appears that they may be some trouble brewing in gay paradise.

There has been a lot of speculation that both Jake and Matthew were both in the running to play Lance in an upcoming film project - and evidently Jake has won the role. According to Gatecrasher -
Cycling legend Lance Armstrong has privately confirmed speculation that Jake Gyllenhaal will portray him in a biopic. He told sources at ESPN that Matthew McConaughey had been up to play the part, but lost out to Gyllenhaal. "He said that's why he has been spending so much time with them both this summer," said the source.

Yay Jake!
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