oh, snap!

Today The Smoking Gun published a letter (above), in which the CEO of the production company, Morgan Creek Productions, completely called Lindsay out on her bullshit –
“We are well aware that your ongoing all night heavy partying is the real reason for your so called ‘exhaustion’. We refuse to accept bogus excuses for your behavior... You have acted like a spoiled child and in so doing have alienated many of your co-workers and endangered the quality of this picture." (Oh, SNAP!)
Now here’s the thing – this is a pretty big film. It’s being directed by Garry Marshall, and it's co-starring both Jane Fonda and Felicity Huffman. To add insult to injury, the story line is about a rebellious, uncontrollable teenager - who is played by who else, but Lindsay Lohan. The ball is definitely in Lindsay’s court, and it’s going to be pure entertainment seeing how this all plays itself out. Point, Duff.
yea...this should make for an entertaining weekend!
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