I just saw a very blonde and very pregnantLinda Evangelistashopping inWhole Foods.Linda has long been my favorite supermodel, and I love that she has been back on the scene as of late - she seemed to have disappeared for a few years.I was not at all aware that she was expecting a baby, but she definitely had that pregnancy glow and a big tummy.
Why isLindamy favorite you ask?Well, I’m not exactly sure.Maybe it’s that amazing chameleon quality that she has.Maybe it’s how widely respected she is within the industry, or those fantastic George Michael videos. Maybe it's that she was the leader of the Linda - Christy - Naomi supermodel trifecta. Maybe it’s that famous quote.You know the one – that whole, “We don’t get out of bed for less than 10,000 a day”.Or maybe, just maybe it's her slightly bitchy edge.
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