antm 7 - episode 4
Jesus, I just realized that I forgot to do my America's Next Top Model recap - and now that it has been nearly a week, I'm actually kind of over it. Now, is it just me, or have these photo shoots become more and more bizarre? I don't know, but I was not feeling the whole circus thing. Meanwhile, my love for Melrose has started to wane (slightly). Don't get me wrong - she always looks great, and I still love her - but throughout this entire episode, I kind of just wanted to haul off and punch her in the box! In related news, I am LOVING AJ!

Anyway, here are the photos from this last episode - ranked according to who I thought did the best (CariDee) to who I think did the worst (Megg) -

Poor Megg - a sweet girl, but just not very nice to look at. I mean, is it just me? I never got the appeal of that girl. Don't count her out quite yet though, because as she says -
"Me and my friend are gonna start, like, a two person band. You know, I'll be like a musician model. We'll see what happens, man."Best of luck with that, Megg - best of luck!
buh-bye Megg. oh and caridee's mask thing is totally on upside down. glad someone else noticed that!
Jaeda needs to go. AJ ROCKS!
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