cycle 7 - the remix
For those of you who are anticipating the new season of America's Next Top Model, here is a meatier follow-up to my post from the other day. Judging from these new photos, the girls are much cuter than I had initially thought. I still hold that some of them are straight up fug, but from the look of the individual photos, the season definitely looks a lot more promising!
This is Amanda. She's 18 years old, and a bookstore sales associate from Anaheim, California. She's also part 1 of The Sisters Fug - whom I referenced in my earlier post. She's only modely in the sense that I find her hideous, and by hideous I mean that she actually looks like someone you might she on a catwalk... but only for LA's fashion week. Never Bryant Park! She also reminds me of Shandi - aka The Evil Shandar - aka Shanthrax from Cycle 2.
Anchal is a 19 year old sales clerk from Homestead, Florida - and she scares the mother fucking bejesus out of me. Now here's the thing - I'll bet that this girl is stunning in person, but she definitely reads pretty scary in these pictures. Gorgeous hair, eyes, complexion - yada yada yada - but her face is too boxy! Although I do love that there's a little ethnic somethin' somethin' up in there - especially after that dumbass, Julie from Cycle 3. Indian girls, represent!
18 year old Brooke is a student from Keller, Texas - but we won't hold that against her. No, in fact, from these initial photos - she's actually one of my favorites. She's very Ralph Lauren - very waspy pretty. She should do well - Joanie minus the snaggle tooth, anyone? As a friend of Dorothy, I also totally dig her modernist take on that whole Dorothy Gale vibe.
Umm, this girl's name is CariDee. She is 21, and a photographer from North Dakota. I mean, trailor TRASH, much? I'm kind of on the fence with this one - I could see her sticking around for a while, but my initial reaction is - total mall girl. In fact, I see her behind the counter at some blown store like Pacific Sunwear. She'd be wearing some doofy, sleazy shirt - and would have trouble counting change. What is it with those trashy Fargo blondes? Also, did I mention that her name is CariDee?
This is Christian, a 19 year old bank teller from Columbia, South Carolina. Truth be told, I can't even think of anything to say about her. I mean, she's okay I guess - but she's just a little boring if you ask me. Maybe she'll be more palatable once the show starts, but I kind of doubt it.
Eugena is a 21 year old customer service representative from Palmdale, Calofornia - and she looks like trouble. When I say trouble, I mean it in a good way. She looks a bit devilish - which I love in my next top models. Here's hoping that some stank ho pours beer on her weave! Oh, and Eugena sounds like vagina - which is not awesome.
At first (second and third) glance, 18 year old Jaeda reads a bit too tranny for my tastes. She's a student from Parkersburg, Iowa - and most importantly, she is also the reincarnation of Coryn from Cycle 5. Tranny get your gun, anyone?
As much as I HATED that dykey Kim from Cycle 5, I must say that I am digging this next girl - 23 year old Megan, a bartender from San Francisco, California. At first glance she seems almost too pretty, but I think she probably has some edge to her as well.
Megg is a retail clerk from Los Angeles. She claims to be 18, but I'm guessing that she's approximately 38 - a young 38, but 38 just the same. You know - kind of like how Lisa from Cycle 5 claimed to be 24 - but was secretly 42. This Megg girl also has the distinction of being this season's token fug - see Michelle of Cycle 4 for further explanation.
Saving the best for (close to) last, I present Melrose - a 23 year old fashion designer from San Francisco, California. There's just something very Daria about this girl - which couldn't be any hotter right now. Sometimes these initial photos of the next top models throw me for a loop, so I could be wrong here - but I want to be so right. Love her (so far)!
18 year old Michelle, a student from Anaheim, California is part 2 of The Sisters Fug - and just as boring and plain as her sister. I'm really interested to see how the producers deal with having twins on the show. My experience with twins is that there is always one who is much better than the other. Hopefully this will be cause for much drama. I'm sure there will be a lot of emphasis put on these two during the initial beauty makeovers - and wouldn't it be funny if Tyra and Mr. Jay gave them both the EXACT same look!?! Here's hoping.
And finally we have 19 year old Monique, a marketing representative from Chicago, Illinois. Does anyone know what a marketing representative is? Evidently it's not something that requires a college degree. Hmmm - Monique is cute, but her nose is odd and scoopy - and she reminds me of Brandy (aka Moesha) - which is never a good look!
So here you have it - photographic proof of the still one month away new season of America's Next Top Model. Hopefully the new website, with the models' profiles and portfolios will be up soon - and hopefully at least some of my early predictions are right. Cycle 7's two hour season premiere is on Wednesday, September 20th.
LOVE that Melrose girl (and Brooke). Anchal is frightening!
Eugena and Monique are both pretty hot.
My vote is for Melrose!
Know the girl CariDee. Uses her first and middle name. The Dee is her grandmother's name. She died very young. Not a dumb blond by any means. Mom is a member of mensa. May be too nice for as bitchy as this competition gets.
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