twisted, toupee'd vajayjay

As someone who is not able to be legally married, I appreciated that comment - especially having come from someone so high profile, and in an interview for a prominent men's magazine. Now you may be wondering what the hell any of this has to do with Donald Trump - and I'll tell you, I haven't been able to figure that out either. Last night though, in an appearance on Larry King Live, he unleashed a torrent of trash talk...
KING - OK, back to some thing current. You recently applauded Brad Pitt's stance on not marrying Angelina Jolie. I believe you said that you consider everyone -- when he said everyone should be married but don't bug him, why?
TRUMP - Well, look, number one, I know her father. Her father is a nice guy. I think she treats him like a dog but maybe they have some kind of a thing.
KING - Yes, why, he's a good guy?
TRUMP - I mean this poor sap he comes along and he practically begs her, "I want to see my grandson. I want to see this." I mean if I were with him, I'd say "Forget it. It's over."
KING - He's also a great actor, Jon Voight.
TRUMP - I think he's a great actor and she just treats him terribly. She's been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby, OK, with the other side. And, I just don't even find her attractive. That has nothing to do with why I said it though.
He made that statement, right, and he made it like he's doing this wonderful thing for humanity. I think he probably made it just because he doesn't want to get married, which is, you know, not so bad.
KING - You've been quoted...
TRUMP - But I'm not a fan of hers as you probably noticed.
KING - I gathered. That's come through.
TRUMP - Did you notice, OK?

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