Yeeeaaah Hot

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

amy sacco's pituitary

I was browsing through some party pictures from last weekend, and stumbled upon this photo. I'm not sure who the other two people are, but that's Amy Sacco in the middle. New Yorkers know Amy Sacco as the club owner and restaurateur behind Bungalow 8, Lot 61 and Bette. She is also quite friendly with all of the blown little girls who frequent her clubs. You know, the Hiltons, Lindsay Lohan and her orange vagina, Mary-Kate and Ashley.

So here's the thing - and the only reason that I'm posting about this woman... I had no idea that she suffered from giantism. Seriously though - either those other two people came directly from Munchkinland, or Amy Sacco's pituitary is entirely out of whack. Oh, and while we're still on topic - what the fuck is going on with her knees? Blown!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh hot!

9/27/2006 2:49 PM  

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