antm 7 - catch up
Seeing as the finale of America's Next Top Model is tonight, I figured that I should probably get up to date with my posting. Here are the photos from the past few weeks. Two weeks ago, Lesbo Twin was sent packing after a breakdown at panel - in which she mentioned that she isn't sure whether modeling is her passion. As far as I'm concerned, if you're good at something - who gives a shit if it's your passion!?! Here are the photos from that shoot - according to my preference.
Oh, and here is a shot of Tyra - attempting to be relevant. Last week the girls were photographed in pairs, in a swimming pool. As always, Melrose rocked it - and as always, everyone else bored me.
Again, Tyra - what the fuck?!? I mean, seriously - what the fuck?!? Amanda was sent home last week - setting up tonight's finale of Melrose, CariDee and Eugena. I'm still sticking with my girl, Melrose. I think it's a possibility that CariDee could win, but I doubt it. As a bit of an aside, I find it rather peculiar that the judges haven't harped on CariDee for being too commercial. I mean, I said it in my pre-premiere evaluation. She looks like she should be working the register - in Pacific Sunwear - in the mall - in Dakota or wherever the hell. Team Melrose!!
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